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Roydad News Agency

The first & most trusted digital media in Afghanistan


Opportunities for Afghans

The largest opportunity discovery platform for Afghan youths.


Baahami Charity Program

The reliable and trusted charitable program for unprivileged people. “Feed YourSouls by Giving to Others”


“To rehabilitate Afghanistan through providing services in peace building, education, human rights, women empowerment, capacity building, democracy, health, and environment”.

“A stableprosperousdeveloped Afghanistan.”


Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Growth Organization (ARGO) is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political and development-oriented organization established on February 6, 2020 and registered with the Directorate of Non-Governmental Organizations, Ministry of Economy, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Growth Organization, with a broad vision is committed to rehabilitate Afghanistan through providing services in education, health, peace building, capacity building, women and youths empowerment, human rights, child protection, social and welfare, and environment protection strata. The Organization is headquartered in Kabul, and with a wide access to all over the country, is able to cover activities and provide services in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan.

Our Team

Our Partners

Area of Focus

Peace Building

To educate advocate and mobilize people into action to transform public policies toward peace.

Education & Research

Formal & Non-formal education

Capacity Building

Capacity Building Programs

Child Protection

Children save guarding from violence exception abuse and negled.


Media news, opinion & analysis


Opportunities search service

Human Rights

Human Rights/Women Rights

Institution Building

Strengthening institutional capacities to achieve development objectives

Women & Youths Empowerment

Promoting and Supporting Women and Youths Entrepreneurs


Let The People to choose and Rule

Health Services

Quality Health Services


Humanitarian & Charitable Aids

Advocacy & Campaign

To promote and strengthen advocacy and campaign programs to adapt effective strategies and approaches

Strategic Objectives
Increase Access to Quality Education for Afghan Boys and Girls
  • Helping facilitate access to Afghan boys and girls to acquire higher education.
  • Helping facilitate access to positive-learning environments for Afghan Youths.
  • Creating and strengthening non-formal education context for out-of-school students to have the opportunity for getting preparation to higher education.
  • Keeping linkages with foreign countries in order to get scholarships for Afghan boys and girls.
  • Helping facilitate and create the ground to build, expand and rehabilitate schools and kindergartens in underserved areas of the country.
Help Facilitate Access to Quality Health Services
  • Providing primary health care services to people
  • Providing emergency health care responses to the vulnerable people in remote areas of the country.
  • Providing lifesaving primary health, nutrition and psychosocial services to targeted communities in remote areas of the country.
Promote and Develop Human Rights Awareness and Knowledge
  • Raising awareness of human rights values through educational programs.
  • Holding training programs with an agenda on international human rights conventions.
  • Facilitate training safeguards mechanism to all Afghan males and females on how to better prevent human rights abuses, protect human rights defenders and respond to human rights abuses.
Help Preserve and Revive Environment through Promoting and Facilitating Sustainable Development Mechanisms
Increase Access to Capacity Building for Afghan People Through Programmatic Expansion.
  • Facilitating access to Afghan boys and girls to acquire higher education
  • Helping to facilitate access to positive learning environments for Afghan Youths
  • Creating and strengthening the non-formal education context for out-of-school students to have the opportunity for getting preparation to higher education.
  • Making linkage with foreign countries to get scholarships for Afghan boys and girls.
  • Help to facilitate and create the ground to build, expand and rehabilitate schools and kindergartens in underserved areas of the country.
Promoting Social Justice
  • Advocate for social justice within government by creating pressure to implement the law.
  • Raise public awareness of one another’s rights.
  • Help eliminate or at least reduce any kind of discrimination deteriorating social justice.
  • Implement programs that can improve social justice within society and put pressure on government to establish the rule of law.
Supporting and help Improve Women Rights in Afghanistan
  • Defend women’s rights by teaching them their position in society.
  • Facilitate access of all women to quality education and help eradicate illiteracy.
  • Help provide equal rights for each member of society without considering age,
    gender, language, religion and tribe.
Provide Humanitarian and Charitable Aids for People in Need
Promote peaceful coexistence in Afghanistan
  • Help Facilitate Access to Quality Health Services
Promoting and Supporting Women and Youths Entrepreneurs
  • Narrating the success stories and creativity of women and youths in business, entrepreneurship, educational, cultural, artistic and sports fields.
  • Promoting figures and hidden talents of both youths and women.
  • Creating hope and motivation among youths and women entrepreneurs
Institutionalizing Democratic Atmosphere Within the Framework of Law
  • Facilitate opportunities that all Afghan citizens participate equally and have a voice on how they will be governed.
  • Putting efforts to establish responsive and accountable institutions and processes that serve the needs and preferences of the public.
  • Hold trainings on defending and promoting citizens’ civic and political rights.
  • Help pave the way for free and fair election based on principle of transparency and accountability
Promoting and Supporting Women and Youths Entrepreneurs
  • Narrating the success stories and creativity of women and youths in business, entrepreneurship, educational, cultural, artistic and sports fields.
  • Promoting figures and hidden talents of both youths and women.
  • Creating hope and motivation among youths and women entrepreneurs


Roydad News Agency

Roydad News Agency operates under the supervision of ARG. It is registered with the Ministry of Information and Culture, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political news agency in Afghanistan, which is active in digital media. Roydad is committed to deliver services which is accurate, impartial and effective.
Roydad’s managers are working to keep people informed of the day-to-day important news/events in Afghanistan by maintaining their impartiality and understanding of principle of the mass media law. At the same time, Roydad intend to produce investigative reports regarding youth and women empowerment, anti-corruption, development initiatives in the country, and cultural and social events.

Opportunities 4 Afghans

ARG produced an online platform that announces/posts Opportunities for Afghans in the sectors of Education, Fellowship, and Finding Quality Jobs. Opportunities 4 Afghans is the largest opportunity discovery platform for youth across the country. Thousands of Afghans have trusted and benefited from this platform since its establishment from 2017 to find latest opportunities for free and avail important educational contents for continued self-development.



Baahaami is operating under supervision of ARG. Baahami with exclusively charitable purpose is operating to help Afghan People who lack the basic necessities of life and to provide charitable assistance to victims of few decades of war, natural disasters, poor and unprivileged people. Baahami is committed to attract the national and international charitable donations for the purpose of empowering, improving livelihoods, and delivering basic services to the poor and unprivileged people of Afghanistan.

“A stableprosperousdeveloped Afghanistan.”

Core Values

Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Growth Organization is committed to following values:

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